Initiation into Sound Ceramics: A journey that awakens the sounds of the earth

It's an opportunity to delve into the universe of sound ceramics and learn about the history of America, the continent of winds. Rediscover countless soundscapes that transport us to a particular time and space. Encounter magic, surprise, play, group dynamics, and allow ourselves to marvel at hearing the voice of our creations. We seek to accompany and contribute to a search for personal visual and sound aesthetics with the archaeological influence of pre-Columbian America.

Placing Ourselves in Context:

The course begins with a historical and geographical journey through the cultures that constructed aerophone ceramic instruments in America. Through photographs of archaeological pieces, diagrams, and maps, we can contextualize the uses and functions of these sound artifacts.

Situated Creation:

The invitation is to create mediated by the environment. Delve into the micro-observation of the shapes and textures of nature that serve as morphological inspiration.

Molding the Void:

You will construct their sound objects. The construction techniques will be hand-built modeling, coils, slabs, and embossing. With our hands, we mold the void to give voice to the clay and understand how it influences the resulting sound. In this way, we achieve unique visual and sound aesthetic results. We emphasize obtaining uniform and thin thicknesses to achieve better sound qualities.

Compacting and Containing:

The surface finish of the instruments will be done using the burnishing technique: compacting and polishing the clay particles to obtain waterproofing, shine, and mechanical resistance.

Alchemy of Fire:

We transform clay into rock through the action of wood fire. All techniques employed are aimed at achieving good results with single-firing ceramics. Fire requires presence as we accompany the transformation of particles; it transmutes and awakens our internal flame.

Join us for our Creating Sound With Ceramics Course

An immersive journey guided by Nómada Cerámica at Cerdeira - Home for Creativity.

Rita Santos